Living with orthodontic problems, such as misalignment and crowding can have a drastic impact on your daily life, no matter what your age is. That’s why it’s so vital to invest in your future smile by getting orthodontic treatment, like braces, from your orthodontist in Newark. Typically, this process begins after getting a referral from your regular dentist once you’ve learned more about the issues you face. Read on to learn about the step-by-step process of getting braces once you’ve been referred to an orthodontic specialist.
1. The Consultation
Your orthodontist will never expect you to jump right into a treatment without discussing all of the details with you first. This all takes place during your initial consultation, where your orthodontic specialist will examine your mouth and determine what type of appliance would best fit your needs. For most teens and younger children whose smiles are still developing, traditional metal braces are the best choice. However, the only way to find out is to schedule a consult!
2. Planning the Treatment
After your consultation and before you come in for your next appointment, your orthodontist will customize your treatment plan to fit your unique needs. For example, if you have a bite problem, you’ll likely need to wear elastics during your treatment. Once the details have been ironed-out by the dental team and you agree that traditional braces are right for you, you’ll come back in to have your appliance placed.
3. Placing the Brackets & Wires
This appointment will likely be the longest one that you’ll need to sit through, so be prepared. First, your orthodontist will clean and condition your teeth to help the brackets secure to them. The conditioning itself typically takes anywhere from between 10 and 30 minutes. Then, your teeth will be primed to cement the brackets. These will be placed on predetermined positions in your mouth that were decided on during the planning stage. Finally, your archwire will be placed into the brackets to hold it in place.
4. Learning How To Care For Your Braces
Before you leave your appointment, your orthodontist will discuss how to care for your braces. Here are some examples of tips that they will give:
- Avoid chewy, sticky, and hard foods.
- Brush between each of your brackets and your archwire.
- Floss every day using special flossing picks for braces or a water flosser (this will make the process easier).
5. Scheduling Your Regular Follow-Ups
Throughout your treatment, you’ll need to visit your orthodontist for a follow-up appointment every six to eight weeks. During these visits, your orthodontist may tighten your braces, which will allow you to continue making progress towards your alignment goal. These appointments ensure that you’re staying on track with your original treatment timeline.
If you have any questions along the way while you’re working towards your smile goals, don’t hesitate to ask your orthodontist in Newark. They’ll make sure that all of your concerns are addressed and you feel comfortable and confident in your decision to straighten your grin with traditional orthodontic treatment.
About the Author
Dr. Timothy Wigal completed an additional three-year residency after dental school, where he focused on studying orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. He also received a certificate of specialty in orthodontics from the West Virginia University Dept. of Orthodontics as well as a Masters of Science degree. He is dedicated to helping his patients optimize their oral health and boost their confidence by providing a variety of high-quality orthodontic treatments to his patients. For questions or to schedule a consultation, visit Wigal Orthodontics’ website or call 740-397-2111.