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Braces over 40: Why You’re Never Too Old for a Straight Smile

May 27, 2021

woman over 40 with braces

When you think of brackets and wires on teeth, you probably think of kids or teenagers—not a grown adult like you. You’ve always wanted to correct your misaligned smile, but other things have continually gotten in the way. Now you’re over 40 years old and wondering if it’s even worth the trouble! Are you too old for adult braces? Here are three good reasons why you should consider orthodontic treatment at your stage of life.

Confidence Is Important No Matter Your Age

If you feel self-conscious about how your teeth look, you are less likely to show them. However, smiling faces are perceived to be happier, more attractive, more successful, and more trustworthy. You may not be as young as you used to be, but that doesn’t mean you’ve checked out of life. You deserve to feel confident in social or professional situations, and you still have plenty of reasons to smile! Braces are a temporary treatment that can dramatically improve not only how others how look at you but also how you feel about yourself.

Oral Health Becomes Even More Important with Age

Straight teeth aren’t just easy on the eyes; they can be much easier to keep clean. When teeth are crooked, overcrowded, or gapped, small areas can be just out of your toothbrush’s reach. Flossing can also become a challenge for people whose teeth aren’t aligned properly. As a result, they can experience more tooth decay as well as other oral problems.

Everyone, regardless of how old they are, needs to have a healthy smile. However, the older you get, the more difficult it is to keep in good oral health. For instance, although nearly half of American adults over the age of 30 have an advanced form of gum disease, that number rises to just over 70 percent for adults over the age of 65.

The connection between conditions in the mouth and medical issues throughout the body has long been established in scientific research. In fact, studies show that those with gum disease are significantly more at risk for heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s—just to name a few—all of which are conditions that particularly affect aging adults.

You Have Many Orthodontic Options Available

If you would like to straighten your teeth, you don’t have to use traditional braces to achieve your goal. Other more discreet solutions like clear braces or Invisalign may better meet your needs. Your orthodontist can explain your treatment options and find a solution that helps you get the smile you want with a low impact to your appearance.

Ultimately, the benefits of orthodontic treatment far outweigh whatever is holding you back. Straightening your teeth can help you feel better about yourself and make it easier to stay healthy as you enter your golden years.

About the Practice

At Wigal Orthodontics, we are proud to have two highly trained and skilled orthodontists who genuinely care about each patient’s smile goals. After earning dental degrees, both Dr. Timothy Wigal and Dr. Jason Lawrence pursued masters from the West Virginia University Department of Orthodontics. If you would like to learn more about braces or other orthodontic treatment, you can contact Wigal Orthodontics through our website or by calling 740-397-2111.