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Your Orthodontist in Heath, OH Gives Tips On Maintaining A Long-Lasting Smile After Getting Your Braces Removed

June 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — wigalorthodontics @ 3:48 pm

person smilingAfter what seems like forever, you’re finally getting your braces off. Viewing your new-and-improved smile is going to be a moment to remember, so be sure to have the camera ready! After investing so much time and effort in it, the last thing you would want to see is your smile to go back to looking the same as it did before. Although wearing a retainer after treatment can take some getting used to, it’s important to keep your smile straight. Read on for tips from your orthodontist in Heath, OH on maintaining a great smile after braces treatment.   (more…)

6 Summer Foods Your Orthodontist in Heath, OH Wants You To Avoid

June 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — wigalorthodontics @ 4:29 pm

person smiling with bracesTo get the most out of your orthodontic treatment, you’ll have to steer clear of bad oral habits, keep up with your hygiene, and avoid certain foods. Summer can be the most tempting time to open up a bag of chips and munch on a plateful of raw veggies at your family barbeque. Although it can be difficult, certain classic seasonal snacks can impact your braces and affect your treatment. Read on for 6 foods your orthodontist in Heath, OH recommends steering clear of this summer. (more…)